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The LTWLA Hygiene Essentials and Nutrition (HEN) Program: Providing Hygiene Essentials and Nutritious Food for Success

Introduction: The Student Support Program aims to address the basic needs of college-aged students aged 18-21 who are eligible for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). Through the provision of care packages containing hygiene essentials and non-perishable food items, we seek to alleviate the financial burden on these students and ensure they have access to essentials for both personal care and nourishment.  Goal is to support approximately 200 students per year with the help of volunteer time and monetary donations.

Purple Packages

Care Package Assembly

  • Volunteer teams will gather regularly to assemble care packages containing a combination of hygiene essentials and non-perishable food items.

  • Hygiene essentials may include:

    • Shampoo, conditioner, and body wash

    • Toothpaste and toothbrush

    • Deodorant

    • Feminine hygiene products (for female students)

    • Shaving cream and razors (for male students)

    • Hand sanitizer

    • Facial tissues

  • Non-perishable food items may include:

    • Canned vegetables and fruits

    • Canned beans and protein sources (e.g., tuna, chicken)

    • Peanut butter and jelly

    • Granola bars and snack packs

  • Care packages will be designed to provide students with a balanced selection of essentials for both personal care and nutrition.

Volunteer Using Sign Language

Donation Drives

  • Monetary donations will be collected to purchase hygiene products and non-perishable food items in bulk at discounted rates.

  • In-kind donations of new, unopened hygiene items and non-perishable food items will also be accepted.

  • Local businesses, community organizations, and individuals will be encouraged to contribute to the program to support students in need.



  • Distribution events will be organized at designated locations within the community, such as schools, college campuses, or social service agencies.

  • Eligible students will receive care packages free of charge, ensuring equitable access to essential items.

  • Confidentiality and privacy will be respected during distribution to maintain the dignity of students receiving assistance.


Program Evaluation and Feedback

  • Regular evaluations will be conducted to assess the impact and effectiveness of the program.

  • Feedback from students, volunteers, and community partners will be solicited to identify areas for improvement and ensure the program's continued success.

Conclusion: The Student Support Program recognizes the importance of addressing the basic needs of students to promote their overall well-being and academic success. By providing hygiene essentials and nutritious food, we aim to create a supportive environment where students can thrive and reach their full potential. Together, with the support of volunteers and donors, we can make a positive difference in the lives of TANF-eligible students and help them overcome barriers to success. Join us in supporting the next generation of leaders.

Food insecurity among low-income college students can have significant and far-reaching impacts on their physical health, mental well-being, academic performance, and overall college experience. Here are some ways in which food insecurity can affect low-income college students:

  1. Nutritional Deficiencies: Without access to an adequate and consistent food supply, students may experience nutritional deficiencies, which can lead to health problems such as weakened immune systems, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating.

  2. Increased Stress and Anxiety: Constant worry about where their next meal will come from can cause heightened stress and anxiety among students, impacting their ability to focus on academic responsibilities and affecting their mental health.

  3. Poor Academic Performance: Hunger and malnutrition can impair cognitive function and memory retention, making it challenging for students to concentrate in class, complete assignments, and perform well on exams. As a result, food-insecure students may struggle academically and be at risk of dropping out of college.

  4. Limited Social Engagement: Food insecurity can create barriers to socializing and participating in campus activities that often revolve around food, such as club meetings, social gatherings, and networking events. This social isolation can exacerbate feelings of loneliness and isolation among students.

  5. Financial Strain: Low-income students may be forced to allocate a significant portion of their limited financial resources to purchasing food, leaving them with less money for other essential expenses such as tuition, textbooks, housing, and transportation. This financial strain can perpetuate a cycle of poverty and make it even more challenging for students to succeed in college.

  6. Health Risks: Inadequate access to nutritious food can increase the risk of developing chronic health conditions such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease among low-income college students. These health issues can further exacerbate academic challenges and negatively impact long-term well-being.

  7. Compromised Future Opportunities: Persistent food insecurity during college can hinder students' ability to fully engage in academic and extracurricular activities, obtain internships and work experience, and build professional networks—all of which are essential for future career success and economic mobility.


Overall, food insecurity poses a significant barrier to the academic achievement, personal well-being, and future prospects of low-income college students. Addressing this issue requires comprehensive support systems, including access to affordable and nutritious food options, financial assistance programs, mental health resources, and community partnerships aimed at alleviating hunger and promoting student success.

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