Friday, October 25, 2024

Although the morning started off raining, gloomy and chilly, the weather didn't stop the excitement of students from The Charles School. Today was the day they stepped out of the classroom to experience something new, the Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District – Battelle Darby Creek. Students were thrilled to learn about conservation efforts taught by Ms. Amy Tressler, a passionate and knowledgeable environmental educator. Students learned about the role organisms play to keep our water quality at certain levels. Together, students were advised to grab a net to collect organisms in the water, finding baby frogs, small fish, and clams, all of which were observed under a microscope for a closer look.

Students also visited the nature center, where interactive displays on local wildlife provided hands-on history central Ohio's ecosystem. Overall, it was an immersive learning experience and a great way to explore career pathways in conservation and environmental science.
A big thank you to the Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District – Battelle Darby Creek, and Ms. Amy for an amazing and unforgettable experience of learning and exploration!
