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Follow-up Services

Follow-up Services are designed to track a student's progress for one calendar year post-graduation from high school is crucial for ensuring a successful transition from secondary education to the next phase of their lives.

1. Career and Education Pathway Exploration

  • Provide tools and resources to help graduates explore various career and education pathways.

  • Facilitate career assessments, workshops, and guest speaker sessions to guide students in making informed decisions.

2. Ongoing Mentorship and Support

  • Assign each graduate a mentor or advisor who will provide guidance, encouragement, and support throughout the tracking period.

  • Conduct regular one-on-one check-ins to discuss progress, challenges, and adjustments to the action plan.

3. Employment Readiness Training

  • Offer workshops on resume building, interview skills, and professional etiquette to prepare graduates for the job market.

  • Facilitate networking events and job fairs to connect graduates with potential employers.

4. Alumni Networking and Community Building

  • Establish an alumni network to foster connections among graduates and provide a       platform for mentorship and peer support.

  • Organize social events and networking opportunities to strengthen ties within the alumni community.

5. Regular Check-ins:

  • Monthly or quarterly one-on-one meetings with mentors/advisors to assess progress and address challenges

6. Community Engagement Events:

  • Volunteer opportunities, community service projects, and events that encourage graduates to stay engaged with their local community.

7. Post-Secondary Education Support:

  • Guidance on selecting and enrolling in post-secondary education programs or alternative pathways.

8. Employment Placement Assistance:

  • Job placement services, resume reviews, and mock interviews to assist graduates in securing employment.

Evaluation and Outcomes:

1. Success Metrics:

  • Graduation rates from post-secondary programs.

  • Employment rates and job retention.

  • College success rates

  • Participation in community engagement and networking events.

2. Feedback Mechanism:

  • Regular surveys and feedback sessions to gather insights from graduates about the       program's effectiveness.

3. Adjustments and Improvements:

  • Continuous program evaluation to identify areas for improvement and make necessary       adjustments for subsequent cohorts.

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