May 16, 2023
Adrianna Williams

Adrianna is a senior at Groveport-Madison HS. Learn more below!
Favorite Subject
Plans after high school
Go to The Ohio State University for ultrasound tech and eventually open a business for hair
Greatest influence
My mother, she really inspires me to always go out my comfort zone and achieve bigger and better things
One thing that should be taught in school
Taxes, saving, and budgeting your money
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be
Africa, it is one of the wealthiest continents with a lot of resources the US doesn't have
Genesis Peyton

Genesis is a senior at Northland HS. Learn more below!
Favorite Subject
Plans after high school
Join the marines then attend Columbus State Community College
Greatest influence
My mom, I have seen her persevere through so much and I love her for that
One thing that should be taught in school
Give students real life situations and let them work through it
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be
Louis Jordan

Louis is a Senior at The Charles School at Ohio Dominican HS. Learn more below!
Favorite Subject
Plans after high school
Go to Columbus State
Greatest influence
Christ because of my religious beliefs
One thing that should be taught in school
Driver's Ed
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be
Suhayra Hassan

Suhayra is a Senior at Horizon Science Academy HS. Learn more below!
Favorite Subject
Plans after high school
Go to Columbus State Community College
Greatest influence
My grandma because she raised me and my brother and taught us to do better
One thing that should be taught in school
Mental health services
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be
Paris, France